
Kamis, 20 September 2012

Misha Collins (As Castiel on Supernatural)

Castiel is the Angel on Supernatural Tv Series. The good and kind angel character. And the cute one... hahahahahahah.

Cast by Misha Collins,, He is a good actor, he can act the character to make it so real. He can speak in different voice and he can act with a straight face... and i wonder how he can acting the absurd character and the humorous line without laughing. How can he hold the face to keep straight??? And the voice.. its like anesthetize to me, some people say it was his curse. Braaaakakakaka..

By the way,, Castiel always wear a trenchcoat, and Misha told that he can't talk with the Castiel voice without that trenchcoat!!!! hahahahahaha,,, SUPER!

I love Castiel character when get frame together with Dean Winchester,, they look good together, and there's something charm and fit when they both looking with sad eye each other. it's like they got the feeling and i starting to dream they both kissing.. hehehehe ^_^

That's Castiel and this is Misha collins....

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